I created my own blog in July 2012 at the age of 14. It was initially called Downright Dystopian and was mainly a book review site. As of 2019, I have changed the website's title to Volumes & Voyages as well as its niche. Volumes & Voyages is a blog where I review books, work with publishers and authors to share upcoming releases, and post travel guides and itineraries. I felt that since my hobbies have expanded so much over the past 8 years beyond just reading, it would be a great opportunity to combine books and travel into one website.
Below is the homepage of my blog. Some of my favorite blog posts include my book review for Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff as well as my Ultimate Edinburgh Travel Guide.

Of course, as the only blogger at Volumes & Voyages, I also manage all of the blog's social media, which I've done since 2012. I tend to favor using some social media platforms (like Goodreads, Instagram, and Pinterest) over others for my blog because I've found they're the platforms that I get the most engagement on.
On Instagram, @VolumesandVoyages has 912 followers and gets a range of likes from 40 up to 400 on some posts. I have tried a multitude of different editing styles to see what gets the most engagement, but I've ultimately decided to execute a cohesive blue, teal, and orange themed Instagram feed. Below are some examples of posts on the blog's Instagram feed. Check out @VolumesandVoyages on Instagram here.

Another social media platform that I commonly use for my blog is Pinterest, which is a great way to get link clicks to the blog. Some of my posts on Pinterest have received upwards of 15,000 views. Below are some examples of my posts on Pinterest. You can also check out my Pinterest page here.